Caribbean Basin
Endowment Fund

Caribbean Impact Partners is supported by the Caribbean Basin Endowment Fund

The Caribbean Basin Endowment Fund is a public charity dedicated to the mission of supporting and investing in socially and environmentally impactful endeavors in the Caribbean Basin, while ensuring good governance.

To make a donation and support the mission of the Caribbean Basin Endowment Fund, please use the donation button below, or contact us for more information. Donations are tax deductible.

The Caribbean Basin Endowment Fund accepts cash contributions from individuals and companies; grants and distributions from donor-advised funds, foundations, and charitable trusts; and anything with established or appraisable value, including cryptocurrency, real estate, stocks, bonds, privately held business interests, fund manager carried interest, and collectible art.

To make contributions that do not use the donate button above, including checks, wires, and non-cash donations, please contact us for more information. We thank you for your consideration!

Financial Disclosures

Caribbean Basin Endowment Fund was established in partnership with and is proudly supported by LOHAS.